Tucker Lein
Unnamed Mini Game Collection

Unity game prototype

The various mini games shown here are part of an unreleased Unity prototype. Each mini game is played in quick succession and followed a similar play style to the WarioWare series. The game allowed for 1-4 player multiplayer where each player is either playing the same mini games concurrently or playing different mini games non-concurrently. Non-concurrent multiplayer was integrated into a larger game mode, however none of these modes ever made it past a rough draft phase.

This was ILD Games LLC’s initial follow up project after Squatbot but it was put aside to work on a different project internally. Primary responsibilities included:

  • Creating the framework for playing mini games one after another in quick succession
  • Adding split screen multiplayer, compatible with the existing mini game framework
  • Programming, designing, and creating art for various mini games (the above gifs are a sampling of mini games which I created)