Tucker Lein
Ancona -

Game Engine used to create Squatbot

Ancona is a game engine used in addition to the Duckling game editor to create Squatbot. Ancona is a C++ game engine and is able to create games for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux. It is an open-source project and can be found on ILD Games LLC’s github page here .

Myself and one other developer created Ancona in our free time as a way to strengthen our programming, system design, collaboration, and git skills. After working on it for 2 years in our free time we worked with two other developers to create Squatbot using it. In creating this engine I also contributed to the open source project SFML to help fix some issues regarding using the library on Android and iOS. You can see these contributions here and here.

Primary responsibilities included:

  • Rendering system to display the current state of the game to the screen
  • Screen Management system to silo independent portions of the game
  • Integrating third party libraries for help in JSON loading (rapidjson) and rendering (SFML)
  • Sound system for playing music and several sound effects at once
  • iOS Port
  • macOS Port