Tucker Lein
Tucker J. Lein
Experience Details
Software Developer
September 2021 – Present
Rockstar Games – Game Development Studio – New York, NY
  • As a member of the Commerce Online Services team, I work on various backend web services to support features such as the GTA+ subscription service, the underlying entitlements system for verifying Rockstar player's purchases, and 3rd party integration with industry partners (including Sony, Microsoft, Valve, and Epic Games) using C# .NET.
  • I also maintain core commerce functionality in the RAGE C++ game engine (used by GTA5, RDR2, and GTA6) including virtual currency purchasing and various in-game store features.
Senior Software Engineer
July 2020 – August 2021
Hawthorne – E-Commerce Startup – New York, NY
  • Developed critical workflows for Hawthorne's e-commerce web platform such as product catalog, account management, and A/B testing integrations using NextJS, VueJS, and PHP
  • Worked alongside growth and marketing teams to deliver ad-hoc features with rapid turn around for end-of-month revenue pushes
Senior Software Engineer
June 2019 – July 2020
innRoad – Hotel Management Software – New York, NY
  • Oversaw team of 5 engineers integrating functionality between innRoad and 3rd party service VRBO, allowing innRoad customers to seamlessly offer reservations on VRBO and its affiliates
  • Contributed to core backend API communication layer used by all 3rd party integrations within innRoad
  • Led development effort to provide comprehensive performance logging in innRoad's core legacy application
Co-Founder / Lead Engineer
September 2017 - June 2019
ILD Games LLC – Game Development Studio – Madison, WI & Evergreen, CO
  • Co-Founder and lead engineer, in charge of programming efforts on all games and tools created by ILD Games LLC
  • Primary programmer on mobile game Squatbot (see projects section)
  • Primary programmer on canceled game designed for console and PC platforms using Unity and C#
  • Created / maintained technology to facilitate game development including a C++ engine, editor, and C++ build system
  • Managed LLC incorporation, independent contractor relationships, and relationships with other businesses
Full Stack Software Developer
July 2014 - September 2017
Epic Systems – Electronic Medical Software – Verona, WI
  • Led development to overhaul aesthetic of the primary workflow used by registration staff at hospitals across the world
    • Analyzed customer configurations to ensure all changes were backwards compatible for all customers
  • Led development on Financial Assistance administrator module on web client, server, and database functionality
  • Migrated legacy client modules from Visual Basic 6 to an in-house C# web framework
Independent Contractor, Software Developer
March 2019
Dusk Games – Game Development Studio – Denver, CO
  • One month contractor, implemented Menu UI systems for an iPhone video game using Unity and C#
Intern, Software Developer
June 2013 - August 2013
Booz Allen Hamilton – Defense Contractor – Arlington, VA
  • Created a web application for tracking various metrics of individual developers on the team using TFS and C#
Squatbot – ILD Games LLC –http://ild-games.com/squatbot
  • Mobile platformer video game for Android and iOS
  • Primary gameplay, tools, and UI developer and coordinated builds / app store releases
  • Developed iOS compatibility which required contributions to open source graphics library (SFML) used by Squatbot
  • Integrated 3rd party services into the game for social features
Duckling – ILD Games LLC –https://github.com/ild-games/duckling-legacy
  • Game editor created with node.js, Angular, TypeScript, and Electron used to make the mobile game Squatbot
  • Worked directly with end-users to identify slow workflows and plan development that maximized designer efficiency
Ancona – ILD Games LLC –https://github.com/ild-games/Ancona
  • 2D C++ game engine for mobile and desktop games used to make the mobile game Squatbot
  • Major contributions to various features such as: rendering engine, screen management, game saving and loading, asset management, gameplay programming paradigm, and iOS deployment
Raft – ILD Games LLC –https://github.com/ild-games/Raft
  • Build system and dependency manager for C++ created with node.js and TypeScript
  • Developed iOS build compatibility, and templating system
B.S. Computer Science, Radford University
October 2010 - May 2014